10:05 PM | Author: Lifestyle Master

Erection problems in men are generally considered as an issue that only it is up to him and not taken into account regarding this issue affects sexuality and relationships of a couple. The influence of women in the man's erection problems is something that should be treated more in depth and the weight that it can have on both the causes and the solutions of the dysfunction.

Sometimes the lack of erection of psychological origin comes directly from situations that are created within the couple and that reversal is the women who must change attitudes on the sexual level that directly affect the cause of the problem.

When the couples begin to get established and the children many things begin to change and sometimes sexual life is increasingly moving into the background. The woman may feel overwhelmed by daily obligations that take up all your time and sex becomes a chore that has to comply and not a moment of intimacy and pleasure with their partner.

When sexual relations between partners become sporadic and also gives them binding force, it is difficult to imagine what they are unpleasant for both. A man who does not feel loved, desired or valued by their partner eventually begin to lose their self-esteem, feeling failed and may over time begin to have problems with erection.

When the woman shows disgust or indifference to sex when the man feels diminished, unable to attract and satisfy your partner, may even feel guilty about enjoying a relationship at the expense of the suffering of his wife, which spacing minded contacts and to suppress the desire. Sex unsatisfactory in which there are no hugs, kisses, caresses and foreplay and only consist of a mere genital contact quickly to fulfill a nasty, can lead to premature ejaculation or lack of erection.

There are men who suffer from severe shortcomings by being forced to use the technique to ejaculate outside the vagina because their partners are scared to new pregnancy. Knowing that sexual contact rather than being pleasant and enjoyable it becomes forced and traumatic end conspiring against the erection. When the couple is well communicated these problems fail to emerge but in many cases quite incredibly couples do not talk about sex among themselves.

The woman explains to the man who loves and wants but is so tired she did not have the energy to feel sexy and the man expresses his frustration at the unsatisfactory sexual contacts, leading to far from solved problems are acute, especially after 40 or 45 years old in which a man may begin with episodes of lack of erection.

In the same way that women's attitudes can directly affect a man's sexuality other hand can help reverse the lack of erection. Never too late to seek positive change and renew a relationship on many occasions when women make changes for her and her partner sexually stimulating situations lack of erection is reversed as if by magic.

These changes may be to put more care in grooming to look and feel seductive, flirting with your partner and make him feel loved and desired. I always thought, wrongly, that women who need to feel desired, the man and feels happy when the woman who is beside you show your interest. Women must not be passive but instead must find a way to sexually stimulate the man, introducing changes in routine, surprising some detail that he does not expect, or proposing to experience something new.

When a woman wants and proposes it has a very positive influence in solving the problems of lack of erection.

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2:35 AM | Author: Lifestyle Master

Many drugs that are often taken to solve different problems, both organic and psychological can reduce the desire of sex, cause erection problems and premature ejaculation. Usually the doctors fail to warn the patient about medication’s side effects, especially when these can affect your sex life.

Because of this the person goes, for example, lack of desire, erection problems or difficulty achieving ejaculation but does not link these shortcomings with the medications you are taking and that is why the query does not return to tell the doctor what is happening.

When a partner undergoes treatment, drugs affect the sexuality of the couple and not just the patient. If it is man who treated women is full of uncertainty is thinking that your partner is unfaithful, he no longer has interest in it, which has lost the appeal and this causes discomfort and many problems between them.

The same is the case it is the woman who is taking any drugs that make you apathy and lack of desire, in this case is the man who feels rejected and immediately thinks it is lack of love.

Then we'll talk specifically types of medications that can affect sexuality, warning that if you are taking any of these are not self suspends but consult the doctor about the possibility of changing or modifying other doses.

Drugs that cause problems with erection and ejaculation desire

Drugs for hypertension, beta-blockers, medicines to lower blood sugar, anti-allergic, sedative, anti-inflammatory, anti-depressants, anxiolytics, antipsychotics, anticonvulsants, diuretics, some cholesterol-lowering drugs, contraceptives.

We should clarify that the drugs did not affect sexuality the same way in all people, also report that there are different types of drugs that can be used to treat the same disease, so if someone feels that their sexuality is affected due transmitted to the professional doctor to find the solution.

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5:27 AM | Author: Lifestyle Master

Diabetes mellitus is one of the causes of erectile failure occurs at any age, regardless of whether the case of Diabetes 1 or 2, often overlooked until it diabetes are the tests looking for the causes of erectile dysfunction . This happens as a result of high blood glucose levels, which, not being controlled begins to affect the nerves, vessels and arteries that directly affect the mechanism of erection. A high percentage of diabetics suffer from endocrine and metabolic disorders that cause vascular occlusion lesions, and neuropathy.

In the process of erection involves nerves, arteries and blood vessels that lead to the penis enough blood flow to the filling of the corpora cavernosa and in turn this blood has been forfeited during the time required for erection that is consistent. Neuropathy caused by diabetes affects the autonomic nerve fibers of the corpus cavernosum.

There may also be occlusion of small blood vessels which prevents them from filling with blood and there is also the possibility that blood can not be withheld because of leakage faults in the venous valves. The fact that diabetes can cause lack of erection does not mean that being diabetic is going to suffer from impotence because if the blood sugar level is properly controlled and the man keeps healthy lifestyle can enjoy sexuality as normal.

As erection is restored when you have Diabetes

Like any other aspect of health is best prevented when the diabetic starts to notice lack of erection problems should not spend time waiting to correct themselves. It is estimated that approximately a year after starting with erectile dysfunction can get to total impotence. It is therefore necessary consultation and discuss the problem openly with your doctor so that he can provide solutions as early as possible.

The first step will reduce blood glucose levels within 2gr/lt, this may be sufficient for the lack of erection to be reversed. In case you need help than pharmacological drugs such as Viagra or similar can help solve the problem. In all cases controlled diabetes often need be, take a strict diet and daily physical exercise, if these measures are implemented properly may never come to suffer from sexual problems due to lack of erection.

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10:43 PM | Author: Lifestyle Master

A glass of wine aphrodisiac

Drinking a glass of wine a day can combat frigidity or increase desire in women, it seems certain flavonoids found in red wine would achieve a greater blood supply to the genitals of the woman. This would cause the women improve their libido and having a sexuality more active at any age, although the study was conducted among women older without specifying their age. Those who were looking for an aphrodisiac to increase desire in women may never suspect that was within reach.

Will the wine or alcohol?

We all know that a drink or any alcoholic beverage would lead to persons acting disinhibiting, this leads to feeling more liberated and can leave behind certain prejudices which hinder their desire. We are not referring to those who are alcoholics, but not quite drink to intoxication, but those who drink a glass or two without losing consciousness.
At the moment the red wine drinking appears to be adequate to address the lack of desire in women, because as we said the effect of its flavonoids and not just alcohol.

Until there are studies on all alcoholic beverages will not be able to check whether this really is the action of flavonoids or alcohol simply is who does all the work. Over time we'll know, for now just know that a glass of wine a day improves sexuality and increases desire.

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3:27 AM | Author: Lifestyle Master

Delayed or retrograde ejaculation

When mentioning the problems with ejaculation the first to appear is the subject of premature ejaculation, but there are others that ejaculatory disorders are as common as this and being talked about very little.

For example the so-called retrograde ejaculation, this is the difficulty or impossibility of a man to achieve orgasm in a relatively normal. The normal to ejaculate after penetration can be 2 or 4 minutes at least, does not mean that all men should ejaculate within this period because each person has a time that it recognizes as normal.

In the case of delayed or retrograde ejaculation is not to prolong the time of ejaculation to give more pleasure to the couple but the inability to reach orgasm when you want it.

One of the my friends had made this account: "I start the penetration very excited but when I think I can not ejaculate and I keep trying at times to nearly an hour, I end up retiring from exhaustion without being able to reach orgasm and that is in all occasions. "

Situations like this, apart from personal dissatisfaction, they end up causing problems in the couple because the woman does not understand what is happening and man is sexual contact spacing as each of them increasing their frustration.

These episodes, a man's inability to reach orgasm, may appear as circumstantial very short periods, for various reasons such as stress, anxiety peaks and then reversed by themselves, but when no apparent reason are prolonged in time and worsen instead of improving it is necessary to seek professional help to find the solution.

Causes of a man to reach orgasm

It is necessary to consult the doctor when you can not ejaculate or delayed too long to reach orgasm to rule out physical causes are within them include: neurological problems, diabetes, spinal cord injuries, low testosterone, increase of prolactin, alcoholism, or consumption of any medication such as an antidepressant.

Generally retarded ejaculation is based on psychological factors, which may consist of various kinds, like depression, anxiety, phobias, not be attracted to the couple, consider doing something sinful, feelings of guilt, have been discovered in an unlawful or prohibited sexual attitude, feeling some kind of grudge against partner.

If a man through masturbation gives orgasm and ejaculation in the desired time, it can be said that the problem is not physical but psychological in origin and with the psychological help it can reverse the table in no time.

Retarded ejaculation treatments

Delayed ejaculation can be treated at the medical level with the supply of hormones, caffeine or Viagra or similar maybe. When the condition is psychological in origin should seek help with a therapist, if possible both partners. The recommendation is not to start sexual contact with his mind set on achieving ejaculation but to enjoy yourself and let go, just being the slope of the problem creates a tension load which inevitably undermines its chances of reaching orgasm.

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10:27 PM | Author: Lifestyle Master

Solutions for the lack of desire

Natural remedies to increase desire in women can solve problems that affect the couple's sexuality.

Many women feel secure enough not to desire and avoid intimate moments, this is taken by man as a lack of love when in reality it is a lack of libido, which has nothing to do with feelings.

It is difficult for a woman going to see a doctor to say they do not feel like, think there is anything unusual in it and it is silent.

Home remedies to increase the desire

* Maca is a plant that grows in Peru and Bolivia and has properties to increase the desire in both men as in women.

What is used Maca is the root that can be consumed in different ways, at meals, in powder or capsule.

* Bee Pollen is known as a natural remedy that increases the desire; take a teaspoon in the morning.

* Royal jelly Beeswax is a natural substance that increases sexual desire.

* Ginseng and Gingko Biloba provide energy and help to increase desire.

* A glass of wine or other alcoholic drink half an hour before help inhibitions and help to feel desire.

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5:15 AM | Author: Lifestyle Master

False myths about female infidelity

The female infidelity is surrounded by myths of which very few are true and most are completely false.

Why a woman makes infidelity is something that only she knows, so we will not refer to specific cases, it would be impossible to know in depth the reasons for each and we can only generalize about the lies and truths about the infidelity of women.

These suggest that the infidelity of women is different from that of men and this is not quite true.

Common myths about female infidelity

* For years it repeats the false myth that the infidelity of women going for love, because they only want romance, it is possible that in some cases be so, but women also seek sex outside the couple as well as men.

* One myth is that women do not seek adventure infidelity but serious relationships, false, few women left their partner for the "other", prohibited relationship enjoy but do not think leaving anything they have.

* It is said that the infidelity of women is caused by unhappiness in her marriage because of the cold or the mistreatment they receive from their partner, and perhaps in some women, but often there are no problems in partners is unfaithful and is only for want of something better.

* Another myth is that women are difficult to detect because they hide infidelity, that is totally false and that women are unfaithful in detail not only her friends but other people around.

* It is also said that women maintain their infidelities away from home, this is true and false at the time, many women's family separated forbidden romance, but others entered the home lover masquerading as friend and thus avoid the suspicions of the husband when found together.

* Women may commit infidelity of spite, this myth is true, not all women who have been deceived by revenge commit infidelity, but many of them having an affair they retaliate.

* The popular belief is that women are smarter than men when they commit an infidelity as they leave tracks and they do not.

This is false, what happens is that man is less suspicious and paying little attention to the attitudes of your partner, so do not suspect an unfaithful woman, however women have more details and observations that is why immediately enters suspicious when you notice something odd.

Women leaving clues and evidence perhaps more obvious than those of men, they just do not see them.

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3:15 AM | Author: Lifestyle Master

Multiple orgasms in women are not a myth, biologically the woman can get more of an orgasm, unlike the man can only achieve orgasm in every sexual intercourse. But around the Multiorgasmo there are many myths and assumptions generated that have nothing to do with reality.

The first myth is that all women have multiple orgasms in every relationship, this is completely false. For most women find it difficult to reach orgasm during penetration alone, many have never even been able to experience it.

Multiple orgasms may occur in occasional situations, very rare, in which the level of excitement is very high and does not decline over the duration of that relationship.

Where that occurs the Multiorgasmo it would be an intense orgasm first and then less intense orgasms. The number of these orgasms later can vary between 2 and 4 and there is still debate whether it is vaginal orgasms or are contractions in sequence product of this initial orgasm.

Among the most popular myths is that of a woman who reached 50 orgasms in one relationship, one of the many myths and false rumor spread and end it being true.

Due to the spread of false myths about multiple orgasms is that women feel compelled to fake orgasms to keep their partner’s ego.

Multiple fake orgasms

Very few women are those who dare to be honest and tell the man who can barely get an orgasm or has ever been able to experience one and all those he believes because orgasms are faked to leave happy. This is because the man expected his partner to provide a great pleasure and want to check according to orgasms she has.

Meanwhile the woman is considered "abnormal" for not achieving orgasm and concealed the alleged faking orgasms abnormality of mind. Return to top, biologically a woman can have multiple orgasms, but this is rare and infrequent, the most common is that most women can achieve orgasm only and if that happens in all relationships can be considered lucky.

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2:27 AM | Author: Lifestyle Master


Vaginismus is the contraction of muscles of the lower third of the vagina. This can make it very difficult and painful penetration, and in some cases impossible. The woman may feel excitement but fails to relax muscles, in most cases, vaginismus is psychological in origin. Of great help in these cases is the practice of Kegel exercises to achieve elasticity in the vaginal muscles and ensure control over them. When you make a consultation with a gynecologist is very important to mention that you are having problems with sex because these professionals are given to indicate whether there is any physical cause and correct it or refer to a psychological consultation.


In dyspareunia there is no vaginal pain during intercourse. In dyspareunia is more likely to have an organic problem, some type of infection in the genito-urinary irritation by contact with a substance or vaginal dryness of menopause itself. It may also be emotional reasons, not to take interest in the couple and the excitement he did not relax the muscles of the vagina. There may also be causes of emotional and in most female sexual dysfunctions.


In women anaphrodisia is related to not having any interest in sex, feel rejection toward sex and you do so as an obligation. The causes are usually of psychological origin, problems with partner, lack of communication, depression, low self-esteem, anxiety, etc. It is solved by some relaxation therapy sessions.

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11:11 PM | Author: Lifestyle Master

Anorgasmia is the most common female sexual dysfunction. As its name suggests, the anorgasmia is the lack of orgasms, this does not mean that women do not feel sexual desire or excitement. They can be excited and enjoy sex, but can not reach orgasm through penetration.

Anorgasmia has different types:

* Primary anorgasmia is when never achieved orgasm at all.

* Secondary anorgasmia is the case of women having orgasms normally and at one point stopped having them.

* Anorgasmia absolute if there is no orgasm by any means.

* Anorgasmia on is when you get such an orgasm through masturbation but not during intercourse.
* Situational Anorgasmia when you reach orgasm only under certain conditions or situations.

Causes of female anorgasmia

The causes of this dysfunction is almost always psychological in origin, sex restrictions that come from childhood, when modesty to ask the couple what they want, ashamed of their own body, afraid the man has the wrong catalog.

There may be ignorance of the body, ignore what your most erogenous zones are. Sometimes there is the fear of not having control over bowel and this prevents the necessary relaxation. A poor relationship with partner, arguments or indifferent treatment does not stimulate the desire to have sex.

Depressions, stress, low self esteem, fatigue and worry are among the causes which prevent women from reaching orgasm. Consultation with a professional is always necessary to find a solution to the problem of substance and can enjoy a pleasurable sexuality.

Check for the Part 2 to know other sexual dysfunction issues in women like vaginismus, dyspareunia and anaphrodisia.

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10:25 PM | Author: Lifestyle Master

Sex is a topic that women still do not have well resolved and apparently still a long way to go before they assume their sexuality course. For centuries women were educated on the concept that sex should be a means for reproduction and not an end in itself. Sexual pleasures were predominantly for men, a woman who enjoyed a sexual relationship was not well regarded, even by her husband.

Much water has flowed under the bridge and gradually has been reversing the archaic concepts, but mentally women still bear some of these prejudices, myths and taboos ingrained from generation to generation.

People today want their partner to enjoy sex as much as him and get frustrated when they receive the expected by women. More than once we heard the complaints of a man who says he has a cold woman sexually and calls for a solution to arouse sexual desire.

Another frequent claim is that women do not have orgasms or the worst, pretend them to leave happy. All this happens because women do not assume they have a problem with sex and so they do not even attend a consultation to solve it. They prefer to hide what is happening and resign themselves to not enjoy sex without knowing that with a doctor or a therapy session can have a pleasurable sexuality.

So girls wake up its high time now to open up your minds and mouth regarding sex than only you will be as happy as your partner. Also this is not just for you but if this happens your man would be more satisfied with the real orgasm than the fake orgasm.

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11:28 PM | Author: Lifestyle Master

Bee pollen increases the desire

Bee pollen improves the sexuality of men and women because it contains carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins, minerals and energizing substances. In women the bee pollen is indicated to combat frigidity and lack of sexual desire. In men it increases the desire and improves erection.

Pollen is a substance produced by the flowers; the bees gather to feed the hive and then are taken by the man in a completely natural way.

Effects of bee pollen on sexuality

* Specific effects of bee pollen to increase desire and achieve better erections due to two of its properties, the first is because it strengthens the capillary veins and arteries by preventing the hardening and encouraging better blood flow throughout the body including genitals.

We all know that if there are impediments to the arrival of blood flow to the penis will be problems of erection or these will be less consistent.

* Bee pollen contains plant hormones that activate the gland function without producing side effects thus an increased desire naturally.

How to take bee pollen

Natural bee pollen comes in the form of small granules that can be eaten alone or mixed with honey. If you take honey mixed with the pollen then has considerable increase in profits. Bee pollen only takes a teaspoon of tea on fasting and another half hour at night before dinner. The honey bee pollen takes a tablespoon of honey and tea with pollen, also twice a day, fasting the first and second before dinner.

When they start to give noticeable effects on the desire

Like all natural treatment the effects can not be expected the first day, but consumed bee pollen daily and consistently begin to pay off gradually before two weeks. We should make the clarification that although natural bee pollen is not contraindicated for a diabetic is necessary in case of diabetes to consult the doctor first about whether or not be consumed.

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1:32 AM | Author: Lifestyle Master

Lack of orgasm in women

The lack of orgasm in women is a disorder which is often suffered by many women and may be due to many causes, mostly due to ignorance of one's body, having a psychological origin or a hormonal disorder. It is common during the first intercourse experience due to lack of relaxation and stress of the onset of sexual life, this situation usually reverses women as experience is gained.

The inability to achieve orgasm may continue even after months and sometimes years, say many women suffer lifelong anorgasmia without having discussed this with your partner, let alone with your doctor.

The inability to achieve orgasm is to conceal the thinking that there is something wrong with them, some abnormality in their genitals or suffer from frigidity.

This is one reason to fake an orgasm, try at all costs to keep their partner suspected of faking her orgasms and prefer giving up their own pleasure.
Anorgasmia not mean that women do not achieve arousal or enjoyment of sex, you can feel pleasure but not release sexual tension through intercourse with penetration but in most cases you can achieve by clitoral stimulation.

Cause of anorgasmia

* One of the major reasons why women do not reach orgasm is the ignorance of her own body, the outside of the vagina is the one that best responds to stimuli, which is why you reach orgasm more easily by the that `clitoral stimulation by vaginal penetration.

* Another cause of anorgasmia is related to the lack of excitement shortly after due to playtime and petting, or that they are not very encouraging for her.

* Women need more time to arousal after the man and also needs more time than men to reach orgasm after the start of vaginal penetration, when the couples have known this or premature ejaculation is very difficult for women to achieve orgasm.

* When you've had orgasms before, or are even sporadically but may be due to everyday problems, tiredness, routine, little creativity to add something new to relationships, lack of stimulation, boredom or disinterest by the couple.

* Among the organic causes that produce anorgasmia are hormonal imbalances, this can be fixed in consultation with the gynecologist

* Hormonal contraceptives and antidepressant drugs can cause a decrease in libido which would lead to problems reaching orgasm.

* Within the psychological causes of anorgasmia is the repression itself to the desire and orgasm due to the strict upbringing in which sex was considered as something bad, dirty or sinful.

You can also stop having orgasms when there is a poor relationship, infidelity, mistrust or rancor.

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3:08 AM | Author: Lifestyle Master

Benign sexual headache

The benign sexual headache or coital headache is the onset of intense headache that can happen immediately before orgasm during this or done it a few seconds and affects more men than women.

The headache begins to ejaculate in the form of heartbeats or fluttering in the temple or the forehead and spreads rapidly in waves to the rest of the head.

Men are more likely to suffer a headache just before ejaculation that are middle-aged and likely to have hypertension, high cholesterol or are overweight, although these are not prerequisites.

There are clearly some headache before orgasm, it is believed that if you have an organic origin, can be a problem of irrigation of the brain but consultation is always necessary to rule out cerebral hemorrhage.
In most cases this type of sexual headache remains for a short period, up to several months and this suggests a tension-type headache or psychological origin.

Psychological causes for the occurrence of these headaches in man ejaculates before or during ejaculation which can be varied due to guilt, double life, attempt to fulfill a sexual obligation to conform to the other person, these are just some examples to understand the concept, not necessarily these are the main causes.

Treatments for coital headache

Treatments for benign sexual headache or headache before orgasm consist of a study done first to rule out any problems that may cause a cerebral aneurysm.

Analgesics are indicated, although most of the times are not necessary because the pain subsides within a few minutes only once sexual activity is stopped.
Usually the doctor suggests a change in habits, live a healthier diet, low fat and physical exercise.
Control blood pressure and an analysis to measure levels of cholesterol.

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2:42 AM | Author: Lifestyle Master

The female ejaculation exists and there is no doubt but occurs in a small minority and that most women there is no expulsion of liquid orgasm.
Ejaculation occurs at orgasm and is ejected as a powerful jet through the urethral opening. There was a time when people used to think that women could not ejaculate like men therefore are attributed to excessive ejaculation vaginal secretions and in some cases, lack of retention of urine.

Whence comes the woman's ejaculation

It is known that female ejaculation does not come from inside the vagina but from the urethra, the same hole where urine flows, emerging as a jet and abundantly many women believe having urinated.

Ejaculation in women occurs at orgasm, just as in man and the liquid is expelled from white to transparent and certainly does not smell like urine, so it is easy to check the differences.

From where the female ejaculation

The liquid that emerges in the ejaculation of women comes from the Skene's glands, similar to the prostate in men; these glands are found in the urethral sponge, which swells during arousal due to abundant blood flow it receives.
In that zone is located the female G-spot stimulation which may lead to receive ejaculations similar to those of men.

For some women ejaculate and some do not

Female ejaculation is possible depends on the size and opening of Skene's glands in some women are small and sometimes not there, this is because very few women can have ejaculations.

To check if you have ejaculation during orgasm is necessary to find and stimulate the female G-spot, although some women say they can ejaculate without any special stimulus.

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2:38 AM | Author: Lifestyle Master

Despite the popular belief that alcohol enhances sexual experiences, there is no simple correlation between alcohol consumption and sexual behavior of women. It has been shown; however, that alcohol abuse adversely affects women's sexuality, in some cases to cause sexual dysfunction and sexual victimization of women:

1. Drinking and unsafe sex. Another concern that has emerged in recent years is that alcohol abuse during sex can increase the risk of STIs, including AIDS. So, are necessary preventive strategies to reduce risky sexual behavior in both men and women.

2. Alcohol as a risk factor. Compared to sober women, women who drink are considered sexually uninhibited and more available. Such perceptions may put at risk for unwanted sex and the victim of a possible violation.

Because of the socialization of men and women, often involving alcohol, it is necessary to educate about sexual assault that can result from this interaction, in order to prevent it where possible.

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3:13 AM | Author: Lifestyle Master

This section includes some of the most common sexual myths about male sexuality. Do not forget that they are false beliefs.

• The larger penis size gives more pleasure and more pleasure is provided to others.

• A man with a big penis has a higher potency than one which has a smaller penis.

• Sexual satisfaction of women depends on the size of the penis.

• A small penis can not give pleasure to women.

• A man must always be willing to have sex.

• A man is always ready and should take the initiative in sex.

• If a man is aroused in a sexual situation, he is "abnormal" or "not working well."

• A man should never say "no" to sex.

• The man who has erection whenever he sees a woman, sexually works well.

• Sexual practice always requires a good erection (the higher the better).

• A man must have a full erection to have an orgasm and ejaculate.

• When a man loses his erection, means that your partner is not sexually attractive.

• The black people enjoy a greater momentum and potency.

• A man always knows about sexuality and how to have sex.

• A real man does not cry or express their feelings.

• A man must endure until the woman has had her orgasm.

• When a man ejaculates intercourse ends.

• By nature men have more desire than women.

• "No woman is frigid but inexperienced man."

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3:05 AM | Author: Lifestyle Master

Today I have brought for you 5 answers to questions that are sometimes asked by women about their health and sexual life.

- Birth control pills decrease your sexual desire.

Any treatment that you take can cause hormonal changes in your libido. Alternatively you can get pregnant if you don’t use condoms or wear an IUD instead of taking the pill. If hormones take to minimize the effects of menopause, check with your doctor to see if you can reduce the dose consumed.

- To reduce the side effects of contraceptive pills, they can be inserted into the vagina.

A study was done by Israeli doctors to make a comparison between women taking the pill orally with others who inserted them into their vagina, where it dissolved. The second group hardly had any side effects.

Today there is known device for it - the vaginal ring. This ring is inserted into the vagina for three weeks which slowly releases hormones that help to prevent ovulation and increase the density of the cervical mucus, making it a barrier to fertilization. Its advantage is that it causes fewer side effects than oral contraceptives, although its effectiveness as a method to prevent pregnancy is not as high.

- The headaches may increase your desire for sex and orgasms which serves pain as caused by menstruation.

While experts have not found the answer to the first part of this issue, if they suspect it has something to do with the increased levels of serotonin, the transmitter agent of nervous system related to sexual desire.

Moreover, sexual arousal also causes increased production of endorphins and corticosteroids, which relieves the pain caused by headaches and menstrual cramps.

- If intercourse is painful, avoiding it does not solve the problem, but exacerbates it.

First of all, keep in mind that sex is not meant to be painful but pleasuring. If the penetration is somewhat bothersome because there is a problem or because there has been enough stimulation and even the vagina is not lubricated. Whatever the underlying problem is, there is always a solution, just as the one for the above problem. Here on application of any product that prevents dryness would help. What not to do is stop practicing intercourse, because it runs the risk of not trying again for fear.

If you have sex during menstruation, the chances of getting sexuality transmitted disease increases.

The vagina has defensive methods against the bacteria that lurk, but the duration of the period certain changes are produced by passing the blood that affect the effectiveness of these methods. The vagina is not as acidic pH and to vary their in this environment, it is easier for bacteria to proliferate.

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3:04 AM | Author: Lifestyle Master

The sexuality of women in menopause period is often affected in the physical and psychological way but need not suffer notable changes.
The fact of having completed the reproductive phase generates in many women the idea to be less of a woman, no longer having the ability to be mothers and biological phenomenon associates them with the end of her sex life.

The word menopause is related to the loss of youth, the twilight of life, a concept that comes from many generations ago when women were intended to play and once the fertile phase passed directly to old age, not chronologically but in their ways.
Perhaps today women reach menopause in full development of their life either in the professional, occupational, or in any activity carried out.

In the XXI century a woman had everything in her power to look young and attractive, tending her body with physical exercise, carrying a sound diet and treating their skin can look great and be very attractive to your partner and to others too.

One of the problems that impair sexuality at menopause is depression, this disorder usually involves causing apathy, disinterest in life where not excluded disinterest in sex.

Depression coupled with decreased libido caused by low estrogen levels may lead women to abandon their sex life, this can be corrected with the help of the doctor who will prescribe treatments required by either antidepressants or hormone replacement therapy to balance hormones.

When menopause becomes a no problem issue and women start taking care of their health and appearance would be a good step for both sexuality and for the relationship.
Usually at that age, children become independent so women have fewer family responsibilities and more time to devote to herself and her partner.
One advantage of menopause is no fear of pregnancy and no need to rely on contraceptive methods; this makes the sex more spontaneous and enjoyable.

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1:27 AM | Author: Lifestyle Master

Does the penis size matter? Who cares? What matters is when it matters? Are you a man well endowed? There is no doubt; the answer will always include its image of man and their role in sexuality. Penis size has been and remains a point of view. When it affects the size of his member, it is surely going to bring worries, comparison and seeking answers, because we care.

If penis size matter, the answer depends on what for? If the concern is the ability to penetrate during intercourse, the answer is no. Whatever the length or diameter, penetration is the same. Nor is it related to the size of the member to excite or arouse your partner. The sexual responsiveness of women is based primarily on stimulating the clitoris or the so-called G-spot, located a few inches into the vagina prior to definitive about 9 inches penis smaller than the statistics relate.

The sexual performance has considerably more technique, preamble and mutual eroticism penis size with which it penetrates.

Moreover, if the doubt is biological and the concern is that the short length of the penis does not allow fertilization, something like that prevents sperm reaching the egg, neglect, a sperm is able to achieve its goal until from a short.

However, penis size is very important if the man feels that too little or too long affects their sexual performance. On average, men have a penis, measured from the beginning of the abdomen, bordering the 16.3 cms. Most are in the range between 13 and 15.5 cms in erection. If the measure to compare how big or small depends on the average among their peers, those are the ranges.

Although not with the same degree as the length, diameter of the male member can also be cause for concern, studies conducted by Internet sites indicate that on average a penis, measured at its circumference is 12.7 inches. It also states that an erect penis increases several times its size at rest, approximately up to 260% .

Many men are at the bearing of his member as a sign of his masculinity. Apparently the culture has overestimated the importance of size. Not surprisingly, as the old sexuality was based only on intercourse, penetration and ejaculation. To this day, the situation is somewhat different, there is still much to know and learn, but sexual relations are much more oriented to mutual satisfaction, men and women enjoying the game, excited and reaching orgasm. When the goal is that both the size of the penis or, in the case of women, their breast size or magnified to the size of the vagina, stop being so critical.

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11:26 PM | Author: Lifestyle Master

A sexual relationship is not only composed of intercourse, the preamble is of paramount importance, but also after a dose of sex, it's important what happens next. The myth of the cigarette is forgotten as well that many women dislike finish to see that her partner has turned around and started snoring.

"We must not squander the time to finish and tell the couple that was good, give thanks with pleasure, and prove that it was pleasant to talk of how he was and how it can be a next time," says the famous sexologist Cesar Perez .

Just after ... Snuggle!

Some important tips:

Surround her legs, he behind her, and give the impression that you two are still together. Do not ignore the touches that will be very relaxing and enjoyable.

To prevent either of you sleep, get out to take a shower or a hot bath and relax the body temperature rises, so the energy increases and do not dismiss a second session. Besides the senses get sharpened with an orgasm.

An hour later ... Relax and go for the second session. To continue with a second session of sex, it is necessary to recharge, especially them, for this reason it is worth eating, but in the imagination is that this activity is original and satisfying.

A mutual massage is also an option, since the muscles of the lower back are the more you push yourself during intercourse, making it a perfect area for post-coital stimulation.

Sleeping after that session is perfect, though women, unlike men, they become more active after orgasm, so it may cost them sleep.

The next morning ...

Give time without affecting your normal activities, Wake up with caresses and kisses, but only that. Morning Kisses will make you go to work smiling and the feeling of excitement will last until you return, even if you can, breakfast together, nudity is an option.

Why did he sleep?

A project by Melinda Wenner at the University of New York, specifies that for many women the correlation between sex and snoring is one of the most annoying, as many men often fall asleep after a sexual encounter.

This suggests three reasons:

1. The sexual activity occurs frequently at night, in bed, and after him, one usually ends up physically exhausted. Thus when sex is ended it is natural that a guy falls asleep.
The sexologist Cesar Perez has suggested that: "A good idea is to try to make love at different times, at night and drag a normal tired of the daily routine, why not have sex, if you can, in mornings or afternoons, to have enough energy.”

2. It comes from an investigation which showed that for a person to reach orgasm; one essential requirement is to "give up any kind of fear or anxiety." By doing this you must relax and this causes sleep.

3. Research has shown that during ejaculation, men release a cocktail of brain chemicals, among which include norepinephrine, serotonin, oxytocin, vasopressin, nitric oxide (NO) and the hormone prolactin.

Prolactin release is related to sexual satisfaction and also with sleep, so it is likely that the release of this hormone during orgasm make men feel sleepy.

Therefore, women should take in stride the fact that their partner to sleep and snore peacefully after a good session of sex and passion.

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12:28 AM | Author: Lifestyle Master

Medical Dysfunction

Most people are familiar with erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation and female sexual desire disorder, but did you know that loss of libido can be related to a thyroid condition? Hormone deficiency can also be the culprit, especially in older people. A metabolic disorder -- anything that adversely affects your metabolism (including an eating disorder, accident, trauma or illness) will almost undoubtedly cause some lack of sexual desire. And, did you know that one in five American women have hypoactive sexual desire disorder (HSDD), more commonly referred to as low sex drive? The point is, if you've ruled out all other possibilities for your decreased libido, see a doctor. You could very well have an easily remedied medical condition.

What is normal?

If you're frustrated about your lack of sexual appetite, try to go easy on yourself. Everyone's body is different. There is no "normal" level of sex drive. Your personal sense of normality is defined by how you feel about your sexuality and whether or not you're happy with how you are expressing it. If you're one of the lucky people who is perfectly comfortable with his or her sexuality, congratulate yourself. If you're like the millions of others who feels they could use a little boost, explore the remedies we've suggested. But don't hold out for a miracle ... while some of these recommendations have worked for many people, there's no guarantee they will work for you. Be patient. For a temporary solution, go solo with a sex toy or two, and eat a piece of chocolate. Haven't you heard? It's an aphrodisiac.

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3:16 AM | Author: Lifestyle Master


A common side effect of birth control pills (specifically combined oral contraceptives) is diminished sexual desire: decreased androgen production or lowered testosterone levels can cause some women to experience a lowered sex drive and less vaginal lubrication. In addition, mood stabilizers, tranquilizers, high blood pressure pills and other medications have been shown to decrease levels of sexual desire and arousal. Even if you have a medical condition that is completely unrelated to your libido, your sex drive can still suffer: many common medications adversely affect your level of sexual desire or arousal. Talk to your doctor when taking any new medication. If your doctor thinks it may affect your sex life, he or she might be able to suggest an alternative.

Depression has become a frighteningly common diagnosis over the last few decades. If you're feeling down and can't seem to shake it, you may have depression. While there are many wonderful resources for people with depression, the best thing to do is see a doctor as soon as possible. In addition to making you listless, drowsy, sad, angry, upset and emotional, depression can have a profound effect on your sex life - as many as 75% of people with depression report a loss of sex drive. Ironically, the very drugs used to treat depression (MAOIs, SSRIs and Tricyclics among others), can also cause sexual dysfunction, such as delay in orgasm, inability to orgasm, or ejaculation and erection impairment. Any of these conditions can have an adverse affect on your level of desire.

Until recently, the only remedies were to reduce your dosage, change your medication, take a holiday from your antidepressants or take a medical antidote, which can cause further difficulties. However, some doctors think that taking Viagra ® may help people using antidepressants. Or you might try ginkgo biloba, which is thought to help with lack of desire related to taking Paxil and other antidepressants. Recent studies have shown the antidepressant Wellbutrin to be effective in combating reduced sexual desire, so you might consider switching antidepressants if your doctor says it's okay. If you notice a drop in your sexual desire around the time you start a new medication, talk to your doctor to see if there is a connection. Just remember: do not stop taking any medication without talking to your doctor first.

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1:01 AM | Author: Lifestyle Master

Sexual Abuse

Victims of sexual assault or abuse often have a difficult time experiencing physical intimacy. It's no wonder: we're encouraged to take time to let our bodies and minds heal, but little attention is paid to our sexuality. Don't despair -- many people have been able to have healthy sexual relationships even after a sexual assault; with counseling, time and patience, you can be one of them. Do take as much time as you need. Don't let anyone (including yourself) pressure you into becoming intimate again until you're ready.

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11:00 PM | Author: Lifestyle Master


Age is responsible for many unwelcome changes in our bodies: loss of bone mass, susceptibility to illness, painful joints, gray hair, decreased appetite, incontinence, sleep disorder, wrinkles, sagging flesh ... and yes, decreased sexual desire. Menopause and decreased testosterone production are the main reasons for the decrease, but fear, anxiety and depression about aging can also affect your sex drive.

If you're female and going through menopause, it's important that you understand the changes taking place in your body. In some cases, seeing a doctor about medical treatment for the physical changes can help make sex more enjoyable. Estrogen, in a variety of forms, increases the flow of blood to the vagina and increases arousal, which may positively affect desire. Hormone therapy that includes low-dose androgens has been shown to be particularly effective at increasing low desire. Also, don't forget that something as simple as using extra lubricant can be remarkably effective if you're experiencing the common side-effect of vaginal dryness.

If you are male, decreased levels of testosterone may be affecting your level of sexual desire. Talk to a therapist or doctor about your alternatives. Your doctor may prescribe testosterone, but the dosage must be carefully monitored, as too much of the hormone can cause depression and other side effects. In addition, it is not clear how safe it is to take the hormone for a long period of time. Alternatively, Viagra might be a good option. Regardless, you need to speak to your doctor first.

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11:48 PM | Author: Lifestyle Master

Baby Blues

There's no doubt that babies change a couple's sex life. You might feel self-conscious about your changing body. Your partner may feel uncomfortable making love while you're pregnant. Both of you might be afraid of hurting the baby. Fluctuating hormonal levels can also severely impact your libido. Or maybe you're just exhausted from all of those 3 a.m. feedings! There is no "normal" amount of sexual desire during pregnancy; expect both partner's levels of sexual desire to rise and fall during and after pregnancy, and not necessarily at the same time. Try to spend time together being intimate and don't focus on "sex" per se. Once you and your partner have become comfortable with your new body, there's a good chance sexual desire will return. If not, try to be understanding and patient. Or try swapping a back rub for some oral sex.

It's also very common for a woman to be uninterested in sex after giving birth. Her body has just been through a rigorous workout and she's focused on nurturing her new baby, not necessarily sharing sexual treats with her partner. It's important that you and your partner talk about what you're feeling and find an alternative that will work for both of you until your desire returns: cuddling, sensual massage, kissing, hand holding, oral sex. Be sure to express yourself completely ... and don't forget to let your partner know when your libido returns.

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11:10 PM | Author: Lifestyle Master

Body Issues

Everyone hates some aspect of his or her body: jiggly thighs, curved penis, small breasts, fat belly or hairy back. The reality, however, is that to have good feelings about sex, you have to have good feelings about your body. While no one is 100% satisfied with the way they look, many of us have learned to live with it. If you haven't, you might need to take some action.

Whenever you find yourself having a negative thought about your body, try to back it up with a positive thought about yourself. For example, if you're obsessing on your extra roll of belly fat, stop yourself and force yourself to admit that you have really great eyes or incredibly soft, sensuous skin. Once you begin to feel a little sexy -- no matter what you look like -- your sex drive will improve. However, if you're carrying an unhealthy amount of weight, try to develop and stick to a weight control program. Get some help if you need to: a fitness counselor, nutritionist or doctor can be a great source of support and inspiration. If you're dealing with another body issue, see a psychologist or family therapist. You need to overcome your body issues and learn to love yourself for who you are, warts and all. Only then will you be able to have a really satisfying sex life.

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3:07 AM | Author: Lifestyle Master

Relationship Problems

Unresolved conflict or unexpressed anger can definitely put a damper on desire, as can negative feelings, secrets or emotional upset. As you carry around negative feelings about your partner, your level of attraction for that person is sure to lower down dramatically, sometimes never to return. Whether it is something simple, such as lack of appropriate hygiene, or something more complex, such as infidelity, you need to deal with it before you can feel sexual again with your partner.

As any therapist or self-help book will tell you, communication is the key to any relationship. If you don't talk through your problems with your partner, they'll grow and fester until they explode into real conflict. If talking to one another doesn't work, talk to a therapist: couples therapy is becoming more and more common. If that doesn't work, see a sex therapist -- the problem could have deeper roots than you're aware of. If you're still having problems, it might be time to say good-bye. It's sad, but you have to face reality: sex is an important part of your life and your relationship. It's essential that you enjoy it.

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11:30 PM | Author: Lifestyle Master


Majority of people set goals in everything and one of the things in it is relationship too which includes settling down in a monogamous relationship. There is nothing wrong in such kind of ambitions but let me tell you this familiarity can become a big sex drive killer. After twenty years of happy life together, it's perfectly normal or I can say obvious to feel bored or uninspired by your mate. By that time, you've pretty much done it all ... and have ruled out or forgotten about anything else you haven't tried. This is not only a case with long-term relationship couples but even couples who have been dating for only a few months can get into a sexual groove: after the first flush of puppy love has worn off, many people find themselves having missionary position sex on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays - not that there's anything wrong with that schedule, but a little spontaneity never hurt anyone!

So why not try something off the track or something that you have not experienced from long time. Just get back to your sexual roots. Don’t think about what you like or don’t like just forget about everything and try to view sex as an entirely new experience. Talk to your partner about things you'd like to try in bed -- it could be that you just need to introduce something new to your sex life. Buy some sex toys and use them together. Watch a sexy video together and try to emulate the actors. Read or look through some illustrated sex guides. You might feel some initial embarrassment as you and your partner try new experiences together, but if you both keep open minds, you'll soon find yourself having the finest time of your lives.

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11:38 PM | Author: Lifestyle Master

Stress, Fear & Anxiety

When we're experiencing stress, fear or anxiety, sex is usually the last thing on our minds. Work dilemmas, relationship woes, family issues and money problems can be devastating to our libidos: it's hard to feel sexy when you're worried about all the payments you have to make. Fear and anxiety associated with sex itself can also be problematic. We often worry about everything from STDs to fear of pregnancy to sexual performance, all the while dampening our sex drives and hampering our chances to have a satisfying sexual experience.

The first step to putting stress, fear and anxiety in their places is ensuring your body is healthy. Eat a balanced diet, drink plenty of water, sleep at least eight hours a night, exercise regularly and practice relaxation techniques such as meditation or yoga. If you won't do it for your general health, do it for your sex life! You should also strengthen your mind: spend time doing things that are good for you, such as reading, talking to your friends, kids and partner, and writing in a journal. With a healthy body and mind, you're much better equipped to keep your problems from intruding in the bedroom. If you've tried these techniques and still feel that anxiety and fear are damaging your libido, it may be time to see a professional. If you are comfortable with the idea, try talking to a sex therapist. Otherwise a psychologist, life coach or marriage counselor can help you feel better and enjoy sex more.

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11:48 PM | Author: Lifestyle Master

If you’re feeling low because of the decrease in libido than let me assure you that you’re not the only one suffering from this problem. For majority of people this sex drive is like a roller coaster ride – one moment its up and the next moment it goes down. Usually sex drive drops due to some changes in lifestyle or by side effects of certain medications. Here, we've compiled a list of the most common reasons and remedies for your sex drive's decline. You may even be able to correct the situation with a few simple lifestyle changes.

Sex Drive/Desire v. Sexual Arousal

There's a huge difference between sexual desire and physical arousal: desire (or libido) refers to your interest in sex, while arousal refers to your body's physical response, such as vaginal lubrication or the ability to have an erection. Generally people with higher libidos experience an easier time getting aroused; while, conversely, if your sex drive has gone down, you may have a more difficult time with some of the physical aspects of arousal. By increasing your sex drive, your body should respond with an increase in arousal. If it does not, speak to your health care provider.

1. Life

As we grow up to take more and more adult responsibilities, the strong desire for sex that we experienced in our youth often takes a huge downturn. Between all the social and professional responsibilities of work, kids, friendships, school, hobbies, volunteer work, homemaking and exercise and many such things we just don’t seem to get time for sex. And even if we get a minute of free time, the last thing we want to do is spend it in an erotic cuddle. Watching TV, reading a good book or stealing a few extra minutes of sleep can seem so much more gratifying. It's not that we don't want to have sex; it has just become a low priority.

Sex is an important part of an adult relationship. Just as we need or want to take out some time for ourselves so is there a mandatory need to make time for our partners. Scheduling sex into your calendar may make you giggle, but if that's what it takes -- do it! Delegate a night or two a week to spend quality romantic time with your partner. Make a game of it: take turns bringing something new to the bedroom, such as a sex toy, illustrated book, video or technique. By planning ahead, you're making a commitment to yourself, your partner and the relationship, a commitment you'll keep -- just as you'd keep a meeting you scheduled with your best friend, your child's teacher or a business associate.

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12:05 AM | Author: Lifestyle Master

Currently a new trend is going on of young girls and boys dating middle-aged men and women. It’s nothing wrong or weird to date older men or women but than young gals and boys should also be ready for some problems that they may face – may it be physical or psychological. So here are some tips for girls dating older men.

Many men begin a slow but gradual decline in their 30s but this doesn’t mean that a man cannot be in his best of health or cannot perform sexually well into his 70s and beyond. Although a new study revealed that about half of all men over 40 have occasional problems with erections, this is often caused by other factors (whether emotional or physical).

On the other hand, as men age, there are changes that do take place. But this applies to each and every person on earth so you should be mentally prepared with this fact. There is a possibility that girls would also notice a difference between their older boyfriend and any previous partners they ever had closer to their age. First, as men get older, they tend to take longer to get an erection and require more stimulation. Whereas men in their teens and early 20s often can't control how many erections they get, men in their 40s often need direct stimulation to become erect. Another difference is that as men age, they require a longer recovery period between orgasms. While a man in his early 20s can often become erect after just a few minutes, men in their 40s often require several hours between ejaculations.

However, there are also many positive sides of having an older boyfriend, experience you see of many things. For one, men of around 40 are less likely to have problems with premature ejaculation and will have more control. Plus, there is some truth that experience counts for a lot when it comes to sex. Men in their 40s are often far more attentive to their partner's needs and how to fulfill them.

So, for girls who are dating older men they are sure to notice some differences, but sex is likely to be as good as or even better with older men than with younger ones.

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5:11 AM | Author: Lifestyle Master

You better watch out boys because according to our recent survey, size really does matter. For all those guys out there that have taken solace in the old phrase ‘it’s what you do with it that counts’, it’s time to face the truth! These findings have emerged from a recent poll of 50 women. We asked for their opinions on penis size, sexual satisfaction and whether they used sex toys. We then asked them a variety of questions about their sex life including

• Have you ever had sex at work?

• Have you ever had sex with more than partner in the same week?

• Would you ever have threesome?

The selection of women came from a variety of age groups and backgrounds and the results have astounded our sexperts. Interestingly, 32% admitted to having had sex at work whilst 15% claimed to have had sexual relations with more than partner in the same week. However, the most notable finding is the number of women willing to have a threesome with a whopping 49% saying yes.

We then asked them if they were satisfied with their man’s package and whether they would ever talk him into penis enlargement. The results were interesting and 80% of women would be happy for their guys to use any of the penis enlargement methods whilst only 45% claimed to be dissatisfied with their guy’s appendages. It would appear that although added inches wouldn’t be refused, they weren’t about to tell their man.

Next off, we asked them if they were satisfied with their sex life. 54% felt they could do with an extra something to spice things up and an astonishing 51% of women actually claimed to own at least one sex toy. These findings serve to back recent reports that the number of women who own vibrators is in fact higher than the percentage of married women. Whilst guys may feel they are being made redundant, we still need someone to carry the shopping!

On a serious note this is surely testament to the fact that sex toys are becoming more of an everyday accessory like the hair dryer as opposed to a dirty secret. We feel that these results reflect a real change in attitudes toward sex toys and sex in general. We are now looking to explore and to seek adventure in the bedroom and what better way is there than with a whole host of sex toys that are out there at the minute.

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2:58 AM | Author: Lifestyle Master

I bumped into an old school friend last week in my local. I hadn’t seen her in years so I was naturally curious about what she was up to, if she was married or whether she had any gossip. We soon got on to jobs and she told me was a nurse in a London A&E department. I couldn’t help but grimace and she noticed. “I know I know, it can be a nightmare, but there are some funny sides” she said. I couldn’t possibly imagine what she meant so I gave her a look as if to say “do go on”. Forming an amused smile, she gestured for me to sit down.

She told me about a woman who had been brought into A&E with her boyfriend still literally locked inside her. She was wheeled in on a hospital bed still straddling her blushing hubby. The pair had come a cropper during a drug and drink fuelled sex marathon. Her vagina muscles had quite literally locked up due to the mixture of narcotics and he was unable to get out so to speak. She also told me about a couple who had succumbed to their urges on a University campus and had found themselves going at it on a small excavation area on site. Unbeknown to the randy teens, they had been shagging on top of a loose manhole cover which gave way under their weight leaving them to fall 9 feet through a hole. The guy suffered a fractured ankle. They were unable to get out until a passerby spotted them. Although they had managed to zip up before being rescued, the girl had unfortunately left her rabbit vibrator by the side of the hole and it was still buzzing on the ground- a piece of information that one of the paramedic guys took great delight in announcing in the staffroom the next day- Ha!

“That is too funny “I told her, but she wasn’t finished, she took a large sip of rose before beaming another smile of realisation- “oh yeah” she said before telling me about a middle aged man who had been admitted with concussion. Whilst I couldn’t understand why this was funny, I could see she was saving the best for last. It turns out the guy had been head butted by his wife during intercourse and when the paramedics arrived they were greeted by the female pensioner at the door, wearing a full leather gimp costume with what the paramedics had apparently described to her as a Halloween mask! What made this even more surreal was the fact that the masked figure offered them a cup of tea. Apparently she didn’t take the mask off until they reached the hospital.

We laughed so hard for the rest of the night before being interrupted by the chime of the bell and the barman calling for us all to be on our way. It was good seeing her and we swapped numbers. Next time I go to A & E I will certainly keep an eye an out!

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