10:25 PM | Author: Lifestyle Master

Sex is a topic that women still do not have well resolved and apparently still a long way to go before they assume their sexuality course. For centuries women were educated on the concept that sex should be a means for reproduction and not an end in itself. Sexual pleasures were predominantly for men, a woman who enjoyed a sexual relationship was not well regarded, even by her husband.

Much water has flowed under the bridge and gradually has been reversing the archaic concepts, but mentally women still bear some of these prejudices, myths and taboos ingrained from generation to generation.

People today want their partner to enjoy sex as much as him and get frustrated when they receive the expected by women. More than once we heard the complaints of a man who says he has a cold woman sexually and calls for a solution to arouse sexual desire.

Another frequent claim is that women do not have orgasms or the worst, pretend them to leave happy. All this happens because women do not assume they have a problem with sex and so they do not even attend a consultation to solve it. They prefer to hide what is happening and resign themselves to not enjoy sex without knowing that with a doctor or a therapy session can have a pleasurable sexuality.

So girls wake up its high time now to open up your minds and mouth regarding sex than only you will be as happy as your partner. Also this is not just for you but if this happens your man would be more satisfied with the real orgasm than the fake orgasm.

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