11:48 PM | Author: Lifestyle Master

If you’re feeling low because of the decrease in libido than let me assure you that you’re not the only one suffering from this problem. For majority of people this sex drive is like a roller coaster ride – one moment its up and the next moment it goes down. Usually sex drive drops due to some changes in lifestyle or by side effects of certain medications. Here, we've compiled a list of the most common reasons and remedies for your sex drive's decline. You may even be able to correct the situation with a few simple lifestyle changes.

Sex Drive/Desire v. Sexual Arousal

There's a huge difference between sexual desire and physical arousal: desire (or libido) refers to your interest in sex, while arousal refers to your body's physical response, such as vaginal lubrication or the ability to have an erection. Generally people with higher libidos experience an easier time getting aroused; while, conversely, if your sex drive has gone down, you may have a more difficult time with some of the physical aspects of arousal. By increasing your sex drive, your body should respond with an increase in arousal. If it does not, speak to your health care provider.

1. Life

As we grow up to take more and more adult responsibilities, the strong desire for sex that we experienced in our youth often takes a huge downturn. Between all the social and professional responsibilities of work, kids, friendships, school, hobbies, volunteer work, homemaking and exercise and many such things we just don’t seem to get time for sex. And even if we get a minute of free time, the last thing we want to do is spend it in an erotic cuddle. Watching TV, reading a good book or stealing a few extra minutes of sleep can seem so much more gratifying. It's not that we don't want to have sex; it has just become a low priority.

Sex is an important part of an adult relationship. Just as we need or want to take out some time for ourselves so is there a mandatory need to make time for our partners. Scheduling sex into your calendar may make you giggle, but if that's what it takes -- do it! Delegate a night or two a week to spend quality romantic time with your partner. Make a game of it: take turns bringing something new to the bedroom, such as a sex toy, illustrated book, video or technique. By planning ahead, you're making a commitment to yourself, your partner and the relationship, a commitment you'll keep -- just as you'd keep a meeting you scheduled with your best friend, your child's teacher or a business associate.

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