5:27 AM | Author: Lifestyle Master

Diabetes mellitus is one of the causes of erectile failure occurs at any age, regardless of whether the case of Diabetes 1 or 2, often overlooked until it diabetes are the tests looking for the causes of erectile dysfunction . This happens as a result of high blood glucose levels, which, not being controlled begins to affect the nerves, vessels and arteries that directly affect the mechanism of erection. A high percentage of diabetics suffer from endocrine and metabolic disorders that cause vascular occlusion lesions, and neuropathy.

In the process of erection involves nerves, arteries and blood vessels that lead to the penis enough blood flow to the filling of the corpora cavernosa and in turn this blood has been forfeited during the time required for erection that is consistent. Neuropathy caused by diabetes affects the autonomic nerve fibers of the corpus cavernosum.

There may also be occlusion of small blood vessels which prevents them from filling with blood and there is also the possibility that blood can not be withheld because of leakage faults in the venous valves. The fact that diabetes can cause lack of erection does not mean that being diabetic is going to suffer from impotence because if the blood sugar level is properly controlled and the man keeps healthy lifestyle can enjoy sexuality as normal.

As erection is restored when you have Diabetes

Like any other aspect of health is best prevented when the diabetic starts to notice lack of erection problems should not spend time waiting to correct themselves. It is estimated that approximately a year after starting with erectile dysfunction can get to total impotence. It is therefore necessary consultation and discuss the problem openly with your doctor so that he can provide solutions as early as possible.

The first step will reduce blood glucose levels within 2gr/lt, this may be sufficient for the lack of erection to be reversed. In case you need help than pharmacological drugs such as Viagra or similar can help solve the problem. In all cases controlled diabetes often need be, take a strict diet and daily physical exercise, if these measures are implemented properly may never come to suffer from sexual problems due to lack of erection.

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